A Collection of Whitney's Coding Work

Portland project preview

Portland Landing Page

I entered the world of front-end web development through SheCodes Basics Workshop, which taught HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With my knowledge of these languages I utilized VS code to build a landing page about visting Portland, Oregon. The page uses Javascript functions to create user interaction.

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Weather App

Using Vanilla JavaScript I built an app in SheCodes Plus, an advanced 8-week JavaScript workshop. With my prior workshop knowledge, I gained skills in API's, Bootstrap, real-life development workflow, hosting and advanced JavaScript. With these newly added skills I was able to create a fully functioning weather app.

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Weather App Preview
Dictionary App Preview

Dictionary Project

I built a dictionary app with React development throuh the SheCodes React workshop. I used my knowledge of this highly-demanded framework to ceate a working dictionary app by incorporating coding best practices, along wit the most popular tools and technologies.

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